Basic Concepts in Positive Psychology

318 Words2 Pages
Basic concepts in positive psychology Post a 200- to 300-word response about the following: What do researchers mean by ‘subjective well-being’? How is this construct measured? On p. 18 of your textbook, the authors present the hypothetical possibility of being hooked up to an ‘experience machine’ that would guarantee a constant state of happiness and positive emotion. Would you choose to be hooked up to such a machine? Why or why not? In your response, differentiate between hedonic and eudaimonic concepts of happiness. Subjective well-being is a term that is interchangeable with “happiness”. Positive psychology research experts measure subjective well-being by asking people questions that either measure how happy or satisfied they are about their life of how happy or satisfied they are with different dimensions of their life such as their home life or their job. Subjective well-being can also be measured by showing a person a group of pictures of faces and asking them to describe their own level of satisfaction with their life with one of the faces. If I were given the opportunity to be hooked up to a machine that would keep me in a constant state of happiness, I would decline. I do not live the most satisfactory life in my own opinion, however I like having the ability to take the bad with the good. When we experience bad life circumstances, it makes the good experiences that much better. Bad experiences and feelings make the good feelings worth living for. If I were in a constant state of happiness I don’t believe it would be as great as it sounds because I would not be able to experience other emotions. Eudaimonic happiness means that we are happiest when we follow and achieve our goals and develop our unique potentials. Hedonic happiness means that we define the good life in terms of our own personal

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