Back to Front by Nicola Barker

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Back to Front An English Essay Around the world, there are a lot people with hidden diseases. To walk around among people who do not know or can not see that you are not doing well at all. You look like everyone else, but do not seem to fit in anywhere. Does that make you special? Or just a poor thing, who everybody should feel sorry for? That are some big questions the narrator Nicola Barker is confronting you with, in the short story “Back to Front”. “So Nick was set aside and he was different, but only on the inside, and that kind of difference, the invisible kind, can be very hard to live with.” (p.1 l. 40) There is no doubt that the main character Nick is a special boy. His organs are placed in the wrong side of the body. This disease is called Situs Inversus and you can not be cured. Ever since his birth, he is being told, that he was special. And it is obvious, in the way he chooses to act during his life, that he wants every body else to notice his rarity. The children at school are insulting and teasing him. But Nick is indifferent. He does not care until they begin to ignore him instead. He wants people to care, whether it is love or hate they are feeling for him. But he can not stand it, when they ignore him. You can tell at p. 2 l. 49 “But finally they began to ignore him. He became a blank. A nil. A nothing.” That when he is ignored, he feels like a nothing. The only one who seems to care about him, is his mother Grace. She is worried when her little boy is taken from her and examined after birth. She has no clue of what is wrong with Nick “And there's nothing worse than imagining. Not a thing.” (p. 1 l. 38) She wants Nick to know how much she cares, but when Grace remarries the Nigerian Thomas Siswele, Nick is no longer the special person. “Grace thought Thomas was different, not ordinary like she and Nick were but, oh so special.” It makes Nick

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