Ba 340 Human Resource Management Research Paper

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BA 340 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT ENTIRE COURSE BA 340 Human Resource Management Entire Course, Society has evolved over the last century causing organizations to change with the times. This evolution has, in turn, required workers to “re-tool” to be a productive and indispensable member of the workforce. Using this lead-in as the context,write a 1500 word paper in which you describe the workforce shifts in types of jobs during the past hundred years. Also, answer the over-arching question, “What implications have these workforce shifts created for today’s HR manager?” Please include a title sheet and 2-3 references. Only one reference may come from the internet (not Wikipedia). The other references should be located in the Grantham University online library. Only the body of the…show more content…
This is a multi-part assignment. Part 1: Conduct resarch and write a 1 page paper. Instructions include: Online Job Search – Conduct an online job search and identify a position you might be interested in applying for. In your paper, discuss your online search and how you went about finding the position. Also, describe the job and how your background matches the requirements of the position. (Minimum length of 1 page). [Notes: If you’re in the military and have no plans of discharging in the near future, focus on a civilian job that you would like to transition into following your military career. If your circumstances do not allow you to work, consider volunteer activities within your community that you would like to be a part of.] Part 2: Develop and write a 1-2 page resume. Write a 1-2 page resume, designed to compete for the position you researched and chose in Part 1 of this assignment. Your finished product (Research and Resume) should be a total of 2-3 pages in
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