Persuasive Speech About Autism

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Jack L’Heureux Mod 8 Introduction I. Imagine your life without your social skills. How would you react? You wouldn’t be able to read communication cues, which means you wouldn’t be able to understand whether someone is being sarcastic, or serious. Funny, or mean. Kind, or rude II. You may be the target of very crude and vulgar bullying, but you wouldn’t be able to recognize that the person is mocking you. Now you may be thinking “what is this guy talking about, what kind of situation he is trying to tell us about?” III. Well the sad truth is that this is the particular situation is affecting about 1 in every 80 children. This disorder is called Persuasive development disorder, or PDD. IV. Autism is a physical and mental condition…show more content…
What I will be informing you about Autism is causes and risk factors, Symptoms as well as signs and tests, and finally Treatment for this disorder. VI. This disorder doesn’t just affect the person that has it, but his or her family also. Many families struggle to understand what causes this disorder and how they can treat their son or daughter to his or her needs. The situation varies from child to child, as autism isn’t the same in everyone. Many people with autism have different needs or requirements to satisfy them VII. So now you’re probably wondering how I know this, well one is because I have done a lot of research on this topic in the past couple of weeks. But another reason is because my brother, Daniel, has Autism. He has a very serious case of it, and it has many ups and downs. But all in the end, he is my brother, and in my eyes, he’s as normal as can be Transition (Lets start with the causes, incidences, and risk…show more content…
Communication problems may include i. Cannot start or maintain a social conversation ii. Communicates with gestures instead of words iii. Develops language slowly or not at all iv. Does not adjust gaze to look at objects that others are looking at v. Does not refer to self correctly (May say “you want that” instead of “I want that”) vi. Does not point to direct others attention to objects vii. Repeats words or memorized passages, such as movie quotes or commercials e. Social interaction problems may include i. Does not make friends ii. Does not play interactive games iii. Withdrawn iv. May not respond to eye contact or smiles, and may also avoid eye contact v. May treat others as if they are objects vi. Prefers to spend time alone vii. Shows a lack of empathy f. Response to sensory information i. Does not startle at loud noises (or may freak out at slight noises) ii. Has heightened or low senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell, or taste iii. May find normal noises painful and hold hands over ears iv. May withdraw from physical contact because it is to over stimulating or overwhelming v. Rubs surfaces, mouths or licks objects vi. Seems to have a heightened or low response to pain g. Problems with

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