Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)

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America’s Quick Fix Persuasive Essay Rough Draft By Chad Strohm Tony Hays, Instructor Composition FALA07 - Sec H November 3, 2007 Watching my nephew and his peers at their Blue and Gold Banquet for Cub Scouts, a boy with a patch of hair missing stood out. When my sister in law was asked about the child, her reply was, “Oh, he started a new medication for his Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder, that is a side effect.” Knowing that my nephew also took medication for Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), the comment was made of my surprise that two boys out of five had ADHD. Immediately my sister in law made corrections. She informed me that two other boys in the den were on medications for ADHD. My mental calculator went to work; eighty percent of the boys in the Cub Scout Den had been diagnosed with ADHD and were on medication. It is my belief that many children are improperly diagnosed for Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder. America’s children that truly do have ADHD are…show more content…
ADHD is a biologically based disorder of brain function”. ( Scientists believe that neurotransmitters in the brain may affect ADHD. Brain cells (or neurons) communicate with one another using chemicals (called neurotransmitters) Messages that relate to emotion, behavior, thinking and attention are generated by two specific neurotransmitters called norepinephrine and dopamine. It is the belief that these two neurotransmitters may have an impairment or imbalance. ADHD and the possible causes continue to be a subject of medical research. ( The symptoms of Attention Deficient Hyperactive Disorder include impulsiveness, inattentiveness and hyperactivity.

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