Assignment 304 Task B Reflective Account

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Assignment Task B Reflective account B i 1 I work with a client who has to have insulin 3 times a day. He can normally be compliant and will take his insulin when the correct time approaches. However when it comes to the weekend he can start to be uncooperative and not wanting to take his insulin. He expects to go home to see his parents for the weekend. He does not go every weekend and this causes a problem for the staff.Sometimes it is a matter of giving him space and say ‘’ When you are ready to have your medication let me know’’ However it can be more of a dilemma if he misses the time again and then we tell him he will end up in hospital if he does not take his mediation when required. To emphasise this we point to and NHS sign on the medication door. Sometimes this prompting will make the client realise the seriousness of the situation. It has been a problem to extent of call NHS direct for advice. However the client does take his medication sometimes if given to him by another medically trained individual. Bi 2 In the case of a client not wanting to have a bath or a shower in the past, I have taken the route of explaining to them clearly the risks involved in not keeping clean (Having poor personal hygiene, skin breaking down, pressure sores occurring), if this fails I may mention to them the social benefits of being clean and fresh when they are around other people. I also have mentioned the benefits of having good personal hygiene when they intend to be in the kitchen relating to independence skills of being able to prepare their own food. Sometimes a client may need a bit of time to think about the things we have spoken about.Sometimes if a client remains adamant not to bath/shower then alternatives are offered ie; a strip wash or hair washed over the bath if that was what was needed or extra help and encouragement depending on the exact

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