Bob Hicok Essay On Ambition

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Ambition exists in all circumstances, but for many, ambition escalates into a world where illusions of success drive him or her to lead a life full of harming others. People might be forced to change their ways for better achievements in their lives. However, their deeds for ambition can have an effect on other people in an unpleasant way, but they must keep going on due to what they think is the best method to give them better benefits. As the poem “Prodigal” illustrates clearly, ambition has an impact both an individual and others that may bring crucial and radical consequences. (I switched opposite side for personal experience and text explanation) Through the poem, “Prodigal”, Bob Hicok reveals the impact of an individual’s ambition on…show more content…
The possibility of harming loved ones is usually an unforeseeable consequence as the initial taste of success creates an instant high for more satisfaction, disregarding initial values and beliefs. During my middle school years in Korea, my world of friendship and acceptance was in a juvenile rock band, one of three bands from grade 7 to 9. Building strong friendships was enough for a small period of time, but the role of leader was my ultimate goal. A leader’s power and the respect he gains by group members seemed to be an added bonus to the brotherhood I already established through ambition before it consumed me. Before I prioritized selfish desires, ambition was simply used as a means to maintain and sustain healthy relationships; to have strong friendships was the extent of ambition. I wanted this regardless of the sacrifices of certain values I held on to from very young. I became that leader, but never predicted wanting more. Although I used my powers by making group members practice harder to achieve the best sound possible, my ambition increased further. This intensity pushed me to use harsh and demeaning words to demand attention and obedience. For myself and the other members, I pushed for total control of their schedule and forced priority to be placed on our sessions, regardless of school and family. Band members began to sneer and disregard all that I pushed for, and many began
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