Arrangment for Providing Quality Care for Looked After Children and Young People

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What services are available for children and young people and their families in your local area? Temporary/Permanent Care: The popular form of temporary or permanent care would be a foster home. They are different types of temporary and permanent care but most children and young people are put into a foster home so that they can be fostered by families. Some children are placed into a foster home for a short period of time as it is temporary but then there are some children that are there permanently which can be from 3 weeks to 2 years or maybe more. In certain situations putting a child or a young person in a foster home would be an advantage to some families if they are having really bad problems. For e.g. if the parents are going through a divorce and the child is distraught about the situation it would be good if the child is put into a foster home temporarily. If a child or a young person is getting into the wrong crowd for e.g. taking drugs or selling drugs and doing illegal things it would be best if the family of the young person puts them into a foster home so they have professional help. Foster Care: A foster care is a short term situation until a permanent placement can be made. Foster care is not like adoption that you have permanent arrangement. The foster carer is paid to look after the child or young person in a foster care. Foster care is where a child or young person is cared for by the person who has taken the responsibility of the child or young person. This can be a good advantage in some cases for e.g. if the young persons parent is addicted to drugs and cannot care for the child or young person and is suffering from extreme addiction to drugs the child or young person will be put into foster care temporarily depending on the situation. It is good that there is arrangements like this for young people and children as it can help them a

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