‘Arminianism Was the Most Important Cause of Conflict Between Crown and Parliament in the Years 1625 to 1629’ Explain Why You Agree or Disagree with This View.

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‘Arminianism was the most important cause of conflict between Crown and Parliament in the years 1625 to 1629’ explain why you agree or disagree with this view. Arminianism was important for the collapse of the relationship between Crown and Parliament to a certain extent, as religious conflicts were an underlying theme throughout the period of 1625 to 1629. Furthermore many Puritans feared that Charles was trying to push towards Arminianism, and so did everything they could to prevent this, causing much tension. However due to Charles’ personal monarchy, he shaped the way he wanted the country to be run thus was the root cause of the deterioration in the Crown-Parliament relationship. The most important factor and root for all of the problems was Charles. Due to his personality and as he ruled by Personal Monarchy, this shaped how he deployed his prerogative. His policies throughout 1625-1629 were often extreme and passed as a reaction to what he felt was a threat from parliament and an act of disloyalty on their behalf, knowingly angering them. These provocative actions were very much resented by Parliament who felt he was threatening them and provoking them, thus causing the collapse within their relationship. The next most important reason for the collapse was religion and Charles’ push toward Arminianism and absolutism. The fear of Charles becoming absolutist shaped how his policies were viewed and the MP’s political attitudes. Appello Ceasarum produced by Montagu and commissioned by the King angered many MPs as it argued the similarities between Protestantism and Catholicism. This brought MPs to call for the impeachment of Montagu as they felt it promoted anti-Calvinism. Charles’ reaction to this, as he imposed his prerogative as the Divine Right Monarch, promoted Montagu to Royal Chaplain. This worsened the relationship as it escalated the
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