Aristotle's Eudamonia

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Aristotle is still one of the most famous philosophers, theme of discussion and debates, and roots of all philosophy. His book “Nichomachean Ethics”, from which I’ve taken my arguments, was considered one, to be exact the second, of the fundamental books in which the west ethics were based on, written on the IV century BCE. He bases almost all his work and theories on ‘eudamonia’, term that refers to happiness, as Plato based on ‘the good’ that has another significance for Aristotle, which is a way of living, a kind of life, not a sentimental state, that has a connection to goodness and is only possible in a political community. First of all, I do agree with him that happiness could be the goal of human life, for having a good, complete, and self sufficient life, by directing our actions toward good things. In this essay I want to prove that for achieving eudamonia one must not only look toward our natural end by which life is directed but we have to live with the eleven virtues. Conformably I advance on this essay I will better explain what I mean with this, by making clear some points and defining some terms, but first I will have to explain what is happiness and virtues for Aristotle.

We will first try to focus on what Aristotle thought of when referring to good and happiness. He says that there is an ultimate good, or also called the chief good or absolute good, toward which we all aspire; this is happiness or eudamonia, which must be complete, self-sufficient, final and continuous. As Aristotle said: “If, then, there is some end of the things we do, which we desire for its own sake, and if we do not choose everything for the sake of something else clearly this must be the good and the chief good” (Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics, Book 1, 2). He believed that humans have three souls; happiness is found on the rational soul and is particular
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