Argumentative on Video Games

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July 6, 2014 Video Game Violence and Kids People of all ages and all over the globe enjoy playing a wide variety of video games. Over the past few decades, people have developed different opinions about whether playing video games actually leads to aggressive behavior or not. What most kids are hearing, especially from their parents and grandparents, is that video games lead to dangerous behavior, but it has not been proven. Some people blame video games because they do not want to accept the fact that a kid is able to cause a shooting massacre without the help of an external influence. A counselor knows that the home life and parenting skills factor into how a kid acts when and while the kid is growing up. Most of the school shooters have had mental problems, like Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold in the Columbine Shooting. People think that all gamers will eventually commit random violence; therefore, people are blaming video games for the violence, when it is a deeper psychological problem. There are many different arguments that exist against video games and violence. One of those arguments is aggressive behavior. Some people say that those who play violent video games will not feel as much compassion for victims in the real world. If this is the case, then that person should be showing signs of a deeper emotional problem. The video game might be bringing out violence that already existed in that kid. When a teenager makes a decision to be violent, people try to think of external influences, like the gaming industry, to blame for that child's aggressiveness. No one, especially parents, want to feel responsibility for a child's psychopathic violence, so they blame the first thing they find which is usually video games. Games like the Sims, Virtual Family, Virtual Villagers, Skyrim and Halo keep a sense of health, feelings and emotions within the player,
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