Are We a Sick Society?

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“Are we a sick society?” summary Mandeep Minhas Instructor: Mark Diotte Course Number: English 105 January 24, 2013 Draft one-sentence summaries 1. The author explains, a man killed six innocent people in a Sikh Temple, shortly after the shooting in Aurora. 2. Also, a man committed suicide after shooting a police officer. 3. After all these incidents have occurred, America is looked upon as a sick society. The same statement was made after a shooting incident 13 years ago, at a high school. 4. The author disagrees and states; every nation is similar, no nation is worse than another. 5. People who make judgments like these are judging everyone that they don’t know as sick without even knowing them. 6. With a nation so large, there is only a small fraction of people who would ever commit such dangerous acts. However, there are a few people who take advantage of the freedom given and get involved in these behaviors. 7. Lots of money has been invested to keep the nation safe but only so many precautions can be taken. 8. Alerting the nation with more extreme enemies and the advancements of technology throughout the world can cause more of a risk. 9. However, all the outstanding achievements the United States has made throughout the years with science, technologies, musicians, filmmakers and many more all stands out. With the proof of people wanting to move there, even if it is illegally. 10. The United States has gone through many acts of violence, some more or some less than other nations. 11. They have a high violence rate, but that violence has also over powered many nations to save the world. Overall, the United States is a safer nation than many others. 12. Concluding, these horrific shootings cannot be brought to an end anywhere in the world. Thesis: In “Are we a sick society?” based on Mike Rosen’s
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