Are Humans Evil by Nature

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The questions everyone asked, but no one really knows the answers. Are humans, by nature, evil? Or, are they good? Does society take perfectly healthy people and turn them into evil monsters? Or, are certain people born to do evil? Those are the questions I will answer in my opinion. Or at least try my best to do so. Are humans, by nature, evil? In my opinion some what they are. Some people do evil things that they can't help it. Sometimes it can be caused by a chemical in balance in their brains. Genesis:3:6 says that, "Eve saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise . . .". Eve was motivated by three human drives that have the capacity to produce evil. Are humans, by nature, good? My opinion every child is born good. Most kid's are brought up evil. It's the way they were brought up, the things and or people the see around him. They have no one else around them to teach them, so they grow up to be and do evil things."The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."-- Albert Einstein Does society take perfectly healthy people and turn them into evil monsters? My opinion is no."Ignorance, the root and the stem of every evil." -- Plato. Society may have a lot of affect on perfectly good people turning evil. At the end of the day if all of society turned evil, then the good people would turn too. People aren't just born evil they choose to be evil. "It's hard to accept that all the evil in the world comes down to something so simple. Selfishness is the root of evil. Because of the intensity of our instinct for self-preservation and our desire for fulfillment of the senses, each person tends to see himself or herself as the center of the
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