Ap Psychology Chapter 7 Essay

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Guidepost Question Chapter 7 Questions 1-4 4/16/14 1.) How do children's bodies and brains change between ages 3 and 6, and what sleep problems and motor achievements are common? At age 3, a child typically begins to lose their babyish roundness and take on the slender, athletic appearance of childhood. Abdominal muscles develop, toddler potbelly tightens, the trunk,arms and legs grow longer. The head is still large, but other body parts continue to grow and become more adult like. Both boys and girls grow about 2 to 3 inches a year during early childhood and gain about 4-6 pounds annually. Muscular and skeletal growth progresses, making children stronger. Cartilage turns to bone at a faster rate than before, and their bones become harder. These changes, coordinated by the still-maturing brain and nervous system, promote the development of a wide range of motor skills. At age 3, the brain is approximately 90…show more content…
Obesity is a serious problem amongst U.S. children. The greatest increase in prevalence of overweight is amongst children in low income families. Obesity can be hereditary, but the main factors driving obesity epidemic are environmental. Undernutrition is an underlying cause in more than half of all deaths before age 5. Most undernourished children usually live in poverty. Malnutrition can negatively affect not only growth and physical wellbeing but cognitive and psychosocial development as well. Food allergies are becoming more common. Accidents, most frequently in the home are the leading cause of death in children living in the U.S. Environmental factors for example: exposure to poverty, homelessness, smoking, air pollution and pesticides increase the risk of illness or injury. Lead poisoning can also have serious physical,cognitive and behavioral effects on a
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