Anti Abortion Satire Essay

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EngComp2:M/W 2/10/2013 A woman’s ability to conceive is considered to be a God-given gift. She is able to procreate life and bring a human into this world that will forever be a part of her and her partner. This miracle of life is one of the things females anticipate the most. A fantasy is then created. What their child will look like, who the father will be, what their child will grow up to be. They create all these romantic scenarios and have such high hopes of how they picture their motherhood experience going. Although, what if things don’t go as planned? Abortion is a needed medical procedure that has been proven time and time again to be good for society, families, and women. It is every person’s fundamental right to be in control of their own body and the functions that it accomplishes, pregnancy is one the most life- changing. There are so many factors that could alter a woman’s idea of a perfect pregnancy. Situations and events occur daily that are out of our control. This is why I am pro-choice and…show more content…
This fertilized egg is unaware of its own existence and does not have a mind of its own. It only had the potential to become a conscious human. This same potential existed before the egg was even fertilized. What is actually being aborted is a clump of cells. Destroying this clump of cells, which had no conscious brain in the first place, is not murder. It never knew it even existed, so it’s really no different than if this fetus were never conceived at all. If abortion is in fact an act of murder, then would a miscarriage be involuntary manslaughter? Since we live in a country based on freedom, then women should continue to have the freedom to that

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