Anthony Marietza Case Study Psychology

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This exercise will be used by the instructor to assess your learning over the course of the semester. It will not be evaluated. Don’t worry if you feel unable to respond to some or all of these questions – we expect you to be unsure about a fair amount at this point in the term. Feel free to indicate if you don’t know an answer, and do your best with the knowledge that you have. Please indicate which case you will be discussing: ___Anthony___________________________ Briefly discuss your understanding of the child (Anthony, Maritza, or Samantha) from the following perspectives: 1. Biological: From the information given, I cannot see Anthony’s issues at school and at home being biologically based. If the issues were biologically based, I would expect to see some similar issues happening with Gino, Denise, or Angela. 2. Psychological: I really am not sure on how to answer this one. I do not believe my experience gives me much on how to answer it. 3. Developmental: By first grade, most students have a good understanding of the basic school etiquette. They know the…show more content…
Familial: The first thing that comes to mind is that Anthony is only described as being aggressive toward his younger sister, Angela. I tend to think that this conflict and aggressive behavior may be due to the fact that he is the first born and had three years of his parent’s full attention until Angela was born. It may be difficult for Anthony to deal with sharing attention with Angela. Also, Gino sees Anthony’s aggression as a typical boy behavior and does not appear to discipline Anthony for it. As far as discipline goes, there is no consistency between Gino and Denise’s styles and the two even argue about this in front of the children. This must be very confusing to Anthony. Also worth mentioning is that when Gino is home, he takes charge. Seeing this may have taught Anthony that men have more authority than women and may play a part in his behaviors with his
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