Andy Goldsworthy A Visual Language Essay

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Evaluate the ways different artists represent ideas and interests in the world through the development of a visual language. * Andy Goldsworthy * Tracey Moffatt Through the development of a visual language, artists represent and develop ideas and interests to convey to the world. Andy Goldsworthy and Tracey Moffatt are post-modern artists who have very different ideas but portray strong messages to society. Andy Goldsworthy uses the environment to create works and Tracey Moffatt uses the idea of growing up and Aboriginal identity and rights for her ideas to come across. Both Moffatt and Goldsworthy leave the audience with a variety of mixed reactions and criticism to their art works which are good motifs for an artist of these kinds. Tracey Moffatt uses themes relating to Aboriginal background experiences and issues. The stories she tells through her artwork are a series of narrative works. Although they are narrative, they also represent her friends’ and her own true events. An artwork that is an example of this is “Something More”. It is a series of works engaging in role play from different individuals in separate images. The images express emotions of anger, jealousy, depression and drama. This is shown in the technique of…show more content…
An artwork called “Summer Snowballs” (2002) captures the significance of the audience’s reaction as well as the transience of the natural materials used to create the work (e.g. - wool, wheat, cow hair, pine cones and berries). These encased materials convey the nature and extent Goldsworthy went to. As it is an environmental piece, it symbolises Goldsworthy’s culture and passion for art. It also is a representation of the human interaction with the environment along with the nature of life. As the snowball decays, the twigs etc. start to show up and the audience’s response to the snowball changes as the artwork changes
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