Analytical View On An Echo Sonnet

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In Robert Pack’s poem, “An Echo Sonnet,” literary devices are used which gives meaning to the poem certainly the most bulging being that of an echoed voice. Throughout the sonnet, the echoes answers to the speaker’s questions serve as a religious meaning speaking to those who ask questions. The speaker begins to ask questions such as “must I master joy or grief?” and other questions that leads the audience/reader to believe that the narrator is confused as to what his purpose in life is. On the other hand, Pack adds the literary technique of an echoed voice that leads the way. By using this device, it seems as though the narrator is representative of most people who are not sure of their reason for life, and the voice is coming from a God-like figure. The poem then becomes something people can relate to due to the fact that praying or speaking to another “higher” being can comfort them. In the last line of the poem, the narrator has faith that the God-like voice knows where happiness is, and this is when the poem turns around. The echo voice admits that he does not know where happiness is, meaning that the speaker must find the feeling on his own. Another device used is the “ABAB” rhyme scheme which is a repetition in the speaker’s voice, as if the questions are simply monotonous. Also by making almost every line a question, the reader starts to wonder if the narrator can even hear the echo voice, because if he did, maybe he would state that in the poem. Pack uses these devices to create a wall barrier between the two speakers enough that it is clear that two people are speaking, but clear enough that they cannot see each
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