Analysis Of Prejudice In Harper Lee's 'To Kill A Mockingbird'

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Mayella Ewell may be considered a “mockingbird”. Mayella has all the qualifications of being a mockingbird, a mockingbird is a harmless bird that makes the world more pleasant, which Mayella being a peaceful person who never did any harm. A mockingbird represents peace, innocence and kindness in this novel. When Mayella was first introduced or seen, she cared for her flowers and was clean unlike the rest of her family - this shows the kindness and difference in her. Mayella is destroyed by the way she was raised, she was abused by her father and therefore exploiting her innocence. She was obligated to lie in trial, because her father was in the stand looking upon her. She had no choice, to have a say in court. He had a look, saying “if you

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