Mr Birling’s, who showed no sorrow or sympathy for a former employee's death, was ruthless in dismissing her after the strike. Accusing her of being a ringleader. Reinstating all the other employees, except her, must have been very demoralising to Ms Smith. Moreover, Mr Croft, showed nor compassion or sympathy for a former lover, despite the fact that he claimed they had separated on amicable terms. I believe that he lying and that he left this woman in a state of distress that contributed to her state of mind when she committed suicide.
Many men fell for this and in my opinion she became very powerful in a sense. I believe Cathy was a very selfish character. While reading East of Eden I thought that she might have had mental problems. I was furious that she tried to kill her baby and later on lied about why say tried to do such a thing. Then when she gave birth to her twins sons, she acted as if she did not want them and I believe that Cathy was selfish was because she shot her husband in the shoulder.
The true evil in this novel being Chillingworth, the spiteful husband of Hester Prynne. His entire presence in the novel is only to stir up mischief. From the first moments when he is introduced it is clear he is up to no good. “It was better to stand thus, with so many betwixt him and her, than to greet him, face to face, they two alone. She fled for refuge, as it were, to the public exposure, and dreaded the moment when its protection should be withdrawn from her.” (46) His involvement in the novel is purely out of spite for Hester.
Because of the son’s death, Creon’s wife, too, killed herself out of grief. For once, Creon felt terrible about a situation he thought that he had created, but in turn, it was actually Antigone who had made his family fall. Her personal actions led Creon to killing her and therefore killing his family. Antigone’s actions brought suffering to everyone around her, including herself. She was to be buried alive, but in turn, hung herself.
She was dismissed from her job as a servant because she had slept with the man she was working for, whom was married. Her name was blushed throughout the town because of her actions involving John Proctor. In the middle of the play Abigail Williams’ secret was revealed when people found out about the witchcraft she took place in in the beginning of the play in the forest. Knowing Abigail’s reputation as a liar she knew she could get away with it again. She had people fooled to believe that she had god in her and she could see the evil in people and could tell if they were in witchcraft.
Her death caused much commotion to all the people who new her; the closer they were to her, the more they suffered. This is why the murder of Cassetti is looked at as justifiable. In Christie’s book many passengers denounced Cassetti, ”If ever a man deserved what he got, Ratchett or Cassetti is the man. I'm rejoiced at his end. Such a man wasn't fit to live!” and "I did so rejoice that that evil man was dead – that he could not any more kill or torture little children.
Nathaniel Hawthorne goes into depth about sins that most people don’t want to hear about. During the time period of The Scarlet Letter, adultery was extremely frowned upon, and was punishable by death. Dimmesdale kept the guilt and the pain of what he had done bundled up inside; Hester`s sin was brought to light she stood on a scaffold alone as people watched; Chillingworth was letting his anger and hatred control his very being. Hester along with her baby had nothing else to do, but stand and watch as her lover stood by. As she was tried for the very thing he should be tried for.
Punishment in The Scarlet Letter In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, physical punsihment is nothing compared to how the mind can cause punishment. In the Scarlet Letter, Hester Phynne is isolated by the members of Purtian society and left with her child Pearl, a constent reminder of her sin. Dimmesdale’s choice to not feese up to his sin leaves him with mental punishment that makes him sicker and weaker. Chillingsworth does not receive pain, but he does inflict pain to those around him. The main characters of The Scarlet Letter are left to tourment by themselves, the worst punishment of them all.
Her actions lead to so much chaos and people suffered because of her fault and she didn’t care. Gatsby changed his whole life for the love of a women that didn’t love him for who he
The most important symbol in the book, the embroidered "A" on her bosom, sewed on as punishment for adultery, is also a symbol for alienation. She is different from all of society because of that mark, and can never live a normal life because of it. Hester was most likely the best seamstress in Boston she was unable to embroide a wedding vale for any bride. The white vale symbolized purity and the hands of Hester were not pure. Hester, being an outcast of society, experiences the most evident and apparent form of isolation and alienation.