An Argument for a Vegetarian America

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“Vegetarian is the New Prius” is an article written by Kathy Freston. The article first appeared in the Huffington Post, a liberal news website, in January of 2007. In the article Frestonbeings by quoting a promise made by president Hoover “a chicken in every pot and a car in every garage” (800), but then explain that many people are having second thoughts about the abundance of cars due to global warming. She continues by stating reports from United Nations about livestock and the fact that it is a significant contributor to many things such as, land degeneration, water and air pollution, loss of biodiversity and mostly global warming. She claims that the Prius became a standard for environmentalism because of its low emissions, however the real issue is not vehicle emissions, but it is raising a preparing livestock for food.Freston continues by saying that a large issue is the gases produced, not only carbon dioxide but methane and nitrous oxide and that these gases come primarily from farmed animals. She ends by claiming becoming vegetarian has never been easier due to the immense amount of vegetarian friendly foods that have come about in recent years. The main appeal of the essay is the logical appeal. Freston uses hard evidence from sources such as reports published from the United Nations which concluded, “The livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.” (800)This is effective because is shows the reader that the issue of environmental problems is even being noticed by the United Nations. Freston continues by stating “the U.N. report says almost a fifth of global warming emissions come from livestock - that’s more emissions than from all of the world’s transportation combined.” (800) This can be alarming for the reader and is effective

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