Aggression Slt Essay

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Outline one Social Psychological Theory of Aggression Aggression is the intent to harm someone through verbal or physical actions. Bandura was the founder of Social Learning Theory (SLT) which suggests that children learn aggressive behaviour by observing other’s acting aggressively. They learn through either direct reinforcement, where the individual themselves are rewarded or punished for their own behaviour, or through watching others being rewarded or punished for their aggressive acts, (vicarious reinforcement). As a result, aggressive behaviour may repeat if a child receives a reward or witnesses a role model getting positively reinforced after committing an aggressive act and consequently imitates this behaviour to also seek the reward. SLT is supported by Bandura et al (1963), who found that children who observed an adult role model behaving aggressively towards a Bobo doll were more likely to reproduce these behaviours when later allowed to interact with the doll alone, children even improvised their own violent methods towards the doll. The rate of imitation was particularly high when the role model was of the same sex as the child. These findings support the theory of imitation of aggressive acts and suggests that children do learn and model violent behaviour following observation of aggressive behaviour committed by adult role models. In their second study, Bandura et al (1965) provided further support for SLT with the replication of the original Bobo doll experiment with the addition of reinforcement conditions. They found that when children had witnessed the adult role model being rewarded for their aggressive behaviour, imitation significantly increased, whereas the lowest levels of violence were seen when children observed the role model receiving a punishment for their actions. These results support SLT as they suggest that aggressive
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