Adult Learner Assessment

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Running Head: ADULT LEARNER ASSESSMENT Adult Learner Assessment Introduction Within the educational system everyone has a stake in the outcomes of schooling: students, parents, business and industry, government and society. Each group for different reasons feels the need to be aware of the progress that is being made in students’ learning. Assessment is the means by which this learning can be monitored and improved (Brady & Kennedy, 2009). The type of assessment chosen should be related to learning outcomes and governed by decisions about its purpose, validity and relevance. There are various types of assessment and they can be in a variety of different forms. The type of assessment the will be given is project based assessment. Project based assignments take many forms and the key to successful projects is including higher order thinking skills. Project-based learning provides students with the opportunity to tackle real world situations that by their nature have no easy solution, or have no solution at the present time. Project based assignments can add a rigorous element to a course. When well-constructed so that students use higher order thinking skills, these projects can assess how well students meet the course standards while providing a student centered, rigorous assessment of multiple skills. Learning Outcomes Developing learning outcomes is a vehicle for educational improvement. It propels you to think critically about what you are doing, how and why you are doing it, and how well you are doing it. It ensures that you articulate learning clearly for students. Learning outcomes allow students to know what they are learning what at they are expected know at the end of instruction. Student Learning Outcomes specify an action by the student that must be observable, measurable and able to be demonstrated. Within this unit of instruction
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