Acupuncture In Sports

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Acupuncture in Sports Medicine P.E. Health & Fitness Sports related injuries in the U.S. are becoming more and more prevalent across all age groups. Baby Boomers (aged 35-54) with sports-related ER injuries increased by 33% from 1991 - 1998, but this rise, according to studies done by American Sports Data, Inc., paralleled increases in activity participation. From 1987 - 2001, health club membership among people aged 35-54 increased by 135%. There has been a phenomenal growth of sports-related injuries with people over 55. From 1987 - 2001, health club membership skyrocketed by 266% clearly depicting a vast change in lifestyle and cultural values for older Americans. This trend…show more content…
Because acupuncture treats the whole athlete it can be used to help athletes increase focus and concentration, reduce pre-event anxiety, alleviate gastro-intestinal symptoms and even alleviate insomnia (Kostoff). Acupuncture is also a very supportive modality that complements and enhances conventional treatments and does not interfere with drug therapy. Some of the common sports injuries that acupuncture successfully treats include: Low back pain, neck pain, rotator cuff injuries, thoracic outlet syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, knee pain, ankle sprains, achilles tendonitis, sprains, strains, swelling and bruising…show more content…
It seeks to generate repeated, involuntary twitching from the suspect muscle or muscle group and usually leads to an immediate reduction of the tightness as well as a reduction or elimination of the related problems. Whether the trigger points are caused by new or old injuries, improper or overtraining, incorrect posture or body mechanics, or just life, trigger point acupuncture returns the natural balance to your muscles. It is one of the safest ways to address physical problems and usually involves only some short-term muscular soreness caused by the involuntary twitching. The soreness is similar to post workout soreness

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