a Talk To Teachers

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Emerson questions. 2. The relationship between Genius and Drill is Paradoxical because Genius means to practice what comes naturally to a child, however, Drill means to drill out the bad things that become naturally to a child. 3. Emerson’s purpose for writing a long explanation is to prove his point about the Genius and Drill, he uses the example of Fellows to demonstrate that whatever we have a strong interest in we should be educated. For whatever a child is naturally inclined towards teachers should educate children to broaden their knowledge for it. 4. Emerson uses figurative language extensively in his writing. In his second paragraph we find a single sentence shot through with figurative language. ”Be the companion of his thought, the friend of his friendship, the lover of his virtue – but no kinsman of his sin.” Breaking this down one can see four clear examples in one sentence. Be the companion of his thought; Emerson is telling the readers to play along with the thoughts of the child, encouraging and understanding how they think The friend of his friendship; we are instructed to create an environment that is comfortable for the child and one that respects the unique nature of the child. The lover of his virtue; Support the positive things that the child does, reward them for their virtuous behavior. But no kinsman of his sin; Accept no foolishness and do not support the child when they break the rules or behave badly. In his final paragraph of the essay, Emerson tells the readers “Consent yourself to be an organ of your highest thought”. He is telling the readers that one needs to allow ones selves to be in service to what is known to be right. He believes that we are all capable of great things, and we must believe in ourselves and do what we know to be right. 6. Emerson asks the rhetorical question “Do you know how the naturalist

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