a Loser Essay

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A Loser Losers are supposedly friendless, nerdy, and failures in life. The ideal loser would be a person that lives off of the government with no education. This definition describes my Aunt Maria. Maria happens to be a good example of a loser because she had a low income job, lots of children and no education. Some losers such as Aunt Maria may be citizens of other countries that come to the United States to live a better life. The losers often come from third world countries that suffer from poverty and chronic disease. The losers come to southern border states such as California to help their children live better lives than they did. They come to the United States with nothing, expecting to get the California dream! They don't speak any english and expect us to speak their language. All the losers want is for the United States citizens to accommodate them! When we try to help out the losers by giving them citizenship, they turn around and backstab us by taking advantage of government assistance and trying to get everything for free. When it comes to jobs, the losers always get the lowest income jobs, thus taking away potential jobs for young Americans in high school or college. Losers never strive to get educated and go to school because they are too lazy. They are usually high school drop outs. When people are high school drop outs, it limits them from jobs. The high school drop outs can only get entry level jobs. The entry level jobs always are low income. If losers need more money, they just have another child. Most of the loser’s income comes from their children. The loser’s job income is too low to support them. In California we are suffering from a down turn economy. There has been a lot of layoffs in California and shut down of companies. The government is here to help those people going through the hard times in their life. There is not enough
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