A Life Changing Event

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A Life Changing Event It was a hot July afternoon, the 23rd to be exact, in 2012 and the weather had been calling for a horrible thunderstorm all day. I had been outside playing with my horse, Cash, that morning and had just come back inside for some lunch that my mom prepared. Cash was my first horse that I had ever had, and we were always very close from the beginning. I knew that a bad storm was approaching from looking at the sky and felt a bit anxious as we were eating lunch. Afterwards, as we were about to take a nap, we saw a huge crack of lightening across the sky. I immediately shrilled and the hairs on my arms raised and I had a sickening feeling that Cash was hurt. My mom and I walked across the yard to his stall to find my greatest fear was in fact true. Cash had been hit by the lightening. Tears overwhelmed my eyes, and my heart filled with pain as I knew that that morning was the last time I would ride my sweet Cash. After months had passed and searching for a new horse, I had finally found one that I knew felt just right and could live up to my expectations for Cash. My trainer, Mrs. Kathy, and I went to visit her friend at their home to visit their new colt. As soon as I laid eyes on the lovely, sweet, rambunctious, six week old colt I knew he was perfect. It was as if we had known one another forever. He walked right up to me and nuzzled my shirt, which comforted me right away. Right then and there, I knew I just had to have him. I called my mom and her immediate answer was “no.”, but deep in my heart I knew he would be mine. All my life I have been told by my parents and teachers to follow my dream, I knew this horse was it and I was not about to let him go. Later that night I went into my room and started writing down all the reasons I wanted him and why it felt so right. After I had my list I went in the living room to talk to my parents,
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