A Good Neighborhood

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In any place you live, you have at least a neighbor nearby. A neighbor can directly or indirectly affect your life; therefore, a good neighbor is very important for the following reasons. First , a good neighbor should be helpful enough to assist you when necessary. In Quevedo City, there is a saying which means " neighbors are even more important than siblings living far away". That is true, especially when you have problems.. A good neighbor is a person who is willing to look after you house, pick up correspondences and water plants when you are on vacation or business. For example, if you house is on fire or you suffer from a hearth attack, who else will call an ambulance apart from the neighbor? In other words, helpfulness is the most essential characteristic that you ought to expect from a neighbor. Second, as for next-door neighbor, another indispensable quality is honesty. There is nothing worse than the fact that the person living in the adjacent house can not be trusted.. How can you even take a chance to give your house's key to a neighbor who was formerly a criminal? How can you bother to associate with that neighbor, let alone entrust him or her with anything. Thus, there is nothing as good as having a dependable person living nearby. In my neighborhood my neighbors are unfriendly people and I have a very bad experience with them. For example,during the day when I see them, they do not say hello to me. Sometimes I try to have a conversation with them, but they always ignore me or give me a cold look. During the week they often throw their trash in front of my house. Althought whenever I see it, I always clean it, but they later throw more and more, because they are irresponsible people who do not care about others around them. Finally, a bad neighbor is not definitely welcome anywhere. You can not surely find anything as unpleasant
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