Carl Rogers Essay

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| “EVALUATE THE CLAIM THAT PERSON-CENTRED THERAPY OFFERS THE THERAPIST ALL THAT HE/SHE WILL NEED TO TREAT CLIENTS” | | | | | WELWY 2S-11SHARON FAIRHALL07756082658SHAZZYB66@YAHOO.CO.UK18.06.11WORD COUNT 2664 | | | | | In the world of psychotherapy and counselling there are many types of theories which are used to help people that are in need of counselling. One of these theories is a therapy known as person centred therapy (PCT) developed from the work of the psychologist Carl Rogers. He advanced an approach to psychotherapy and counselling that, at the time (1940’s-1960), was extremely progressive. Originally described as non-directive, this therapy moved away from the idea that the therapist was the expert (Freud) and towards a theory that trusted the native tendency of human beings to find fulfilment in themselves. This is known as the actualising tendency. Rogers theory is a clinical one, based on years of experience dealing with his clients, the fact that he believed all people were basically good or healthy- or at the very least, not bad or ill, he sees mental health as the normal progression of one’s life, he also sees mental illness, criminality, and other human problems as distortions of that natural tendency, unlike Sigmund Freud, rogers theory was known as a particularly simple theory, The entire theory was built on a single “force of life” known as the actualizing tendency. It can be defined as the built-in motivation present in every life-form to improve and grow its potentials to the fullest. Rogers believes that all creatures strive to make the best of their existence, and if they fail it is not for the lack of yearning. With this single great need or motive rogers captures all the other motives that others talk about, for example he asks why do we want air and water or food? Why do we seek safety, love, and a sense
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