The Importance Of Play In Developing And Maintaini

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The importance of play in developing and maintaining a positive disposition toward learning for all children “Playing is a fundamental process of creative thinking, allowing the child to construct and reconstruct the imagery of rich early experiences, and thus to grow and develop (Frost 1986 in Puckett & Diffily 2004 p257) Play is a vital part of children’s holistic development and learning. It is as much a part maturation as language and social interaction, and allows them to ascertain their niche within society (Hyder 2004) In short, play accounts for physical, social, and educational development. The use of physical actions, acquisition of social skills such as sharing and co-operation, and gaining awareness of educational issues such as colour, shape, size and texture perception, are all accredited to play (Sperling in Martin 1992). Through play, children explore their own ideas, feelings, and emotions. Smidt (2007) adds that if a child is told to do something, or play with a specific toy, there is no real play, as “the child has not chosen to do this” (p8); play is regarded as something that the children have decided for themselves. Play is a safe way to explore areas of excitement and concern, and issues which children face daily. The theory put forward by Piaget (1962) emphasises that children’s ability in logical concepts is largely dependent on their activity with possessions as well as social interactions – both associated with play. Practitioners can gain an insight into a child’s current level of knowledge, interests, and the issues that are important to them through observation of children at play. In order to effectively plan through play, children should be allowed space and time to naturally find individual skills and interests, which will subsequently allow practitioners to

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