Dominates Vs Submissives

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Dominants and Submissives (Traits vs. Situation) The traits that people have will be more dominate than other traits depending on the situation that is happening at the time, these two things are all conditional in what is going to happen. Now let’s take BDSM for example in that we have two different people, we have a Dominate and we have a Submissive. A dominate shows very strong traits like being strong, strict at all times, gentle when needed, they are honest, they are trustworthiness and have integrity, self-control, sense of humor and has the capacity to love and be loved to express that love, dependability and the desire to learn and grow for both him and his submissive. A submissive shows traits that are very sensitive to criticism, they have a child like presence, they are eager to please and they turn to the dominant for help in their personal issues or dilemmas, they are nurturers, they constantly take on guilt whether they are guilty or not guilty, they constantly are trying to help others, they put up strong emotional barriers and they give their submission as a gift. It’s said that personality traits are not the only factors that control an individual’s behavior; situations are important as well. Some situations will make a person more or less shy, open, careful or friendly, and more or less dominate this is because situations are varied according to the people who are present and implicit rules that apply (Prince & Bouafford. 1974: Wagerman & Funder, 2007. Funder pg 118) The dominate and the submissive for individual differences has zero value for a trait only a continuum at measuring how people differ from one another. The trait approach assumes that people are their traits, yet dominate and submissive shows that people are unpredictable and it’s all conditional on what is going on at the time of the situation. I was curious
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