Case Study #1: Portrait of a Canadian Advisor

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Case Study #1: Portrait of a Canadian Advisor 1. Why is the gap between the typical Canadian advisor's self-perception and the perception of him by others likely to be greater in a foreign environment? Would similar gaps exist in a domestic environment? The Canadian Advisor’s Self-Perception and the perception of himself to others are greater in a foreign environment chiefly due to two main reasons; Culture Shock and Stereo Typing. Culture Shock The stresses of moving to another country, acclimating to different social customs, language barriers combined with the lack of familiar comforts can often be a shock to the system. In the case of the Canadian Advisor he employs a Self-Serving Bias as a defence mechanism for culture shock. In order to cope with “Culture Shock”, he to some degree, imagines that he has integrated well with the host society and its’ culture despite putting in minimal effort to do so. Keith Campbell (2008), Attributions, deception, and event related potentials: An investigation of the self-serving bias. Psychophysiology notes that “Self-serving attributions occur when negative personal outcomes are ascribed to external circumstances and when positive outcomes are ascribed to internal factors. Individuals strategically employ the self-serving bias to maintain and protect positive self-views. “(Page 511) Stereo Typing Brown, Rupert (2010). Prejudice: Its Social Psychology (2nd ed.). Stereotypes lead people to expect certain actions from members of social groups. These stereotype-based expectations may lead to self-fulfilling prophecies, in which one's inaccurate expectations about a person's behavior, through social interaction, prompts that person to act in stereotype-consistent ways, thus confirming one's erroneous expectations and validating the stereotype. (Page 94–97) Often time’s people are fairly ignorant of the customs and

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