301 Task B Communication

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301 Task B Case study You are a social care worker and a service user, Hannah, tells you that she is unhappy taking her new medication as she thinks she does not need it and so she is throwing it away. You know from her care plan that Hannah does need to take the medication regularly and gets confused. Hannah begs you to keep this confidential and not tell anyone especially her daughter, who she sees regularly, as her daughter will be very angry. Bi) How would you explain the term ‘confidentiality’ to Hannah? I will be straight forward and honest with Hannah, i will tell her that i can not keep secret and that it is in her best interest that relevant people should be told in order to resolve the issue with her new medication. I can explain to her that if I share the information with her doctor, he might be able to replace the medication with an alternative (liquid). It is in her best interest that I share the information with only authorised people to prevent any harm or neglect. Bii) Identify the range of people who may need to know about Hannah’s situation, and describe any tensions that may occur if the information is shared. family and all professional bodies who have involvement in Hannah’s medication eg Social workers, psychologist, day centres etc i'm aware Hannah may refused to give further information regarding the topic. May isolate herself and as she may feel she has no one to trust, therefore it is important that I explain to her that it is my duty of care to look after her well-being. Biii) Describe ways to maintain confidentiality in day to day communication. 1) Keep care plans in folders and not in general areas (eg lounge, kitchen) 2) Not discussing information with any other than legally involved (sometimes this includes family) 3) Medical - not telling general public medicines and the medical disorder of clients.
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