Middle Aged Women’s Attitude Towards Plastic Surge

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Middle aged women’s attitude towards plastic surgery 1 What influences affect middle aged women’s attitude towards plastic surgery? Jen Department of Nursing Education November 4, 2011 Middle aged women’s attitude towards plastic surgery 2 I wanted to address my burning question of what influences affect middle aged women’s attitude towards plastic surgery? Last year the cosmetic industry made over 10 billion dollars just in the US. As this trend continues to rise; I thought it would be good to understand the reasons why women seek cosmetic procedures. The purpose of this review is to summarize the findings of a research study by Julie Slevec and Marika Tiggemann from Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia. The research was conducted to examine what drives women’s acceptance of plastic surgery. The study consisted of 108 women aged 35 – 55 years old. Greater than 90% were Caucasian. 83% of the women were married. All participants were given a questioner test that used the Likert scale of 1 (very dissatisfied) to 5 (very satisfied). The questions were grouped into categories assessing body dissatisfaction, appearance investment, aging anxiety, and media exposure. The study results found that body image was the primary driving force. Body dissatisfaction is a major impetus for surgical enhancement. The more a woman is unhappy with her physical looks the more likely she is to get an enhancement procedure. The other body image driving force is appearance investment. Many women want to do it for themselves and or for social reasons. These women feel that appearance is important to their self worth. Body image is important to women and the top influence on choosing plastic surgery. Another influence that affects women’s attitudes towards plastic surgery is aging anxiety. The study revealed that this becomes more of an issue as women get older.

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