200 Word Summary Of a Sacrament

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Aidan 9-10-09 Period B 200 word summary of sacrament ppt. Mr. Eberle A sacrament is an experience that reveals God’s love and brings us closer to God. A sacrament doesn’t have to be in a church or something formal. A sacrament can just be something like helping someone when they’re in need, forgiving someone and forgetting their mistakes, or even just being nice to someone who is picked on. One of the most basic sacraments is love and friendship. God communicates through friendships by showing that our own friendships reveal our friendship with God. Sacraments are meant to bring us closer to God. Sacramental awareness is a special appreciation of the sacred in the world. Listening and responding is a very important part of sacramental awareness. We need to listen for God’s voice. Modern life is extremely busy; people find it hard to find time in their day to look for the source of the thunder that is calling us. Just like the jumping mouse story, there will be a lot of obstacles on our way to God but the journey is worthwhile. Sacramental dullness is when people are too busy to notice the holy presence of God. Some reasons for sacramental dullness are: people are too busy with daily life and work. People are so clogged up with all of their problems in the world which makes their outlook of life very depressing that they couldn’t even think of God existing. Another reason is that people don’t know what or where to

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