10 Stages of Interpersonal Relationships

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10 Stages of Interpersonal Relationships Initiating- shows that you are interested in making contact and to demonstrate that you are a person worth talking to. Formula: handshakes, remarks about innocuous subjects such as the weather, and friendly expressions. This signals you are interested in some kind of a relationship with the other person. Experimenting- in this stage we look for similarities. Small talk is a useful way to find out what interests we share with the other person – helps us decide whether a relationship is worth pursuing. Social media has changed this a bit. A lot of the info that would be gained during this time is gathered off of a facebook page. Short-term relationship- look for exciting personality and a good sense of humor. Long-term relationship- look for trustworthy and romantic qualities. Intensifying- friends- participating in shared activities, hanging out with mutual friends, or taking trips together. Couples- express feelings or discuss the state of the relationship. Spending an increasing amount of time together, hinting & flirting, getting to know the partners friends & family, trying to look more attractive. Integrating- taking on the identity as a social unit. A time when we give up some characteristics of our former selves and become different people. Our sense of obligation to them grows- partners in an integrated relationship expect more form one another than they do in less intimate associations. We become clearer about our relationship norms, and what behaviors are appropriate. Bonding- partners make symbolic public gestures to show that their relationship exists. Contract between business partners or a license to be married. Generates social support for the relationship. Bonded relationships are those that involve a significant measure of public commitment. Non-romantic relationships- authors contracting to write

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