Unit 4203 Essay

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Unit 203 Sarah Hornsby Diversity- Different beliefs and attitudes. For example beliefs,health status and intellectual ability of residents. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect, it means understanding each individual is unique and recognising our individual differences. Equality Means treating everybody fairly and equal, making equal opportunities available, this involves respecting individuals differences. Inclusion involves making the individual the centre of their life, involving them in everything that is about them so they are actively involved in all aspects of their life, care and support. Discrimination Negative prejudges develop against people who are different in some way. Discriminatory behaviour results in unfair, unjust treatment. It could be done against those with a different ethnic background, religion, age,sex, nationality, ability,financial status and size. 1-2 Direct discrimination may occurs when an individual is aware of what they are doing , and are acting in a purposeful way towards people without regard for equality. For example Indirect discrimination occurs when the practitioner does not know or realise that their actions may in some way discriminate one service user over another and not allow them to have their care needs met. For example assuming that service users from the same culture will have the same characteristics or assuming what they would like to eat maybe assuming they are muslim and they eat halal when are in fact they are hindu. 1-3 Practices that support diversity can reduce the likelihood of discrimination by allowing an employee to work their hours around family arrangements or other commitments, displaying acceptance to a diverse staffing team allowing a diverse range of people to work there, which in turn will reduce discrimination because there are not strict rules on

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