Nvq2 Unit 4222-203

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UNIT 422-203 Outcome 1 1. Explain what is meant by: Diversity Diversity is about recognising, valuing and taking account of people's different backgrounds, knowledge, skills, and experiences, and encouraging and using those differences to create a productive and effective educational community and workforce. Equality Equality is often defined as treating everyone the same. True equality means treating everyone differently in order to treat them the same. Inclusion The term inclusion is seen as a universal human right and aims at embracing all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need. It is about giving equal access and opportunities and getting rid of discrimination and intolerance. Discrimination Discrimination could be direct or indirect, and both are covered by equality & diversity legislation. a. Direct - Where one person is treated less favourably than another is, has been or will be treated in a comparable situation b. Indirect - Where an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice will put persons at a disadvantage, compared with other persons Also included in discrimination are harassment and victimisation. 2. Describe ways in which discrimination may deliberately or inadvertently occur in the work setting. Discrimination deliberately or inadvertenly could occur when someone someone could ignore a colleague, because they are discriminating them purposely, they come from a different area/class/culture/religion etc or they may not actually have anything to do with them because they feel they have nothing in common with them. But we’re not aware that others had noticed they never spoke to the other person, and they (other colleagues) thought it was because they (the existing colleague ) were discriminating against them for whatever reason. 3. Explain how practices that support equality and
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