Promote Equality and Inclusion in Health, Social Care .

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Shc33 Promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s setting Diversity is to recognise that all individuals are different and unique. Each person is influenced by its exposure of life. Other factors, such as ethnicity, gender, age, religion, disability, nationality, sexuality, and characteristics of personality, weight or height or ability, are part of the individual identity. Equality is to give everyone an opportunity according to their individual needs. To be treated fairly, so that they are capable of achieving their ability and potential. In a setting the staff, parents, children, all have equal opportunities. The revised Equality Act of 2010 outlines the principles and code 0f conduct. Inclusion is to break the barriers and create a platform of opportunity for all. The initial steps of negativity need to be identified, analysed and rectified. For instance in a setting this could imply to maybe allergies. A child is not able to play in the sand due to sensitive skin. Plan the play of the day that he is in, on the concrete area in order to be inclusive. Discrimination is to treat someone differently because of their background, race, religion, age, sex, disability or characteristics. This can be from our own prejudices and stereotypes. Comments such as, “Girls are better cooks than boys”, can be just a harmless remark but sexist. “My child will not stay in this class because you have no white children”, this is racism. Negative attitudes can create emotional and physical symptoms such as feeling ashamed, fear of society, lack of confidence, low esteem, or angry and
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