Unit 025 Develop, Implement and Review Care Plans for Individuals Who Misuse Substances.

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Performance evidence record CPD / unit 025 Develop, implement and review care plans for individuals who misuse substances. Candidate name Michael Hill Evidence ref: Unit numbers: Evidence ref: Unit numbers: Use this form to record details of activities (tick as appropriate) Observed by your assessor Professional Discussion Seen by expert witness Work Product/APL Seen by witness Confidential Products Self reflective account Case Study/Assign √ NB Your assessor may wish to ask you some questions relating to this activity. Ensure that they are recorded in the appropriate box overleaf. The person who observed/witnessed your activity must sign and date overleaf. Performance Evidence | PC & KS | Care planning is the process of setting goals and interventions that are needs led, identified through an assessment and then plans put in place to achieve these goals. In the Care Planning Practice Guide (NTA 2006) it was identified that care planning is key component of Tier 3 and Tier 4 structured, specialist drug treatment interventions. The care planning process is typically initiated and developed from the comprehensive assessment.The care plan is a record of identified needs that should be consistent and understood by all parties involved with the client. A care plan is a structured, task orientated plan detailing the essential steps in the clients care and highlights what is expected in the clients treatment. The care plan involves identifying the needs, strengths and risks that is relevant to where the client is in their recovery. A care plan is also a tool that can be used to record any changes in the clients situation and used as a form of communication to update other professionals that are involved in the clients

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