Strategy To Influence The External Environment Of

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1. External Environment o A company's external environment includes all groups and market forces with which the business must deal to execute its strategy. In other words, the environment features everybody with whom the organization must work and everything it must cope with to be a successful player. The best approach to understanding how an organization can influence outside groups is to determine what each group cares about and how best to satisfy group members. A firm's external environment includes rivals, investors, customers, vendors, the public and regulators. Regulatory Compliance o For a company, a strategy fostering regulatory compliance may help the business influence its external environment. The target audience here includes regulators, investors and the public. A regulatory-compliance blueprint starts by defining the rules of the game -- that is, essential laws the firm must follow when conducting business. Then department heads include in the plan various policies to train employees, so they don't run afoul of regulatory guidelines. Companies with a reputation of regulatory conformity are more likely to make their case more forcefully when dealing with public officials because government watchdogs may view them as role models that all firms must emulate. Another regulatory conduit through which businesses can influence their external environment is the use of special-interest committees or lobbies -- that is, groups that attempt to influence government policies by interacting with legislators and bureaucrats. Financial Reporting o A company can influence investors' perception by presenting accurate and complete performance data. Here the objective is to show the rest of the world that the firm is on a solid financial footing and that management takes the issue of sound seriously. The target audience of a financial strategy includes the public,

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