Smart Goal Essay

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M1A3 Goals Identification and Reality Assessment Worksheet 1. Describe a goal for interpersonal improvement in your personal life. Be sure to explain the following: * What aspects of your own interpersonal communication skills would you like to improve? * How far are you from attaining this goal? * Do you think this goal is set too high or too low? Why, or why not? * How long will it take me to attain this goal? * If the goal will take a long time to attain, could you set smaller goals that you could attain while still working toward your bigger goal? * How will you benefit from successfully attaining your goal? (Your personal goal and explanations go here. Be sure to respond to EACH question above.) My Goal: I want to be more considerate. S | Specific | I want to be more considerate of my family and friends. I usually promote “tough love” and stubbornness. I mainly want to focus on being more compassionate with other’s personal issues. | M | Measurable | I want to start improving by listening more. I am able to make progress if I simply listen to how someone’s day went and show some form of understanding. | A | Attainable | I can improve this daily. Throughout many conversations I have daily I can practice active listening and building a better relationship. Being more considerate will improve my relationship with people close to me quickly. | R | Realistic | I know this is something I need to improve. This is a simple goal to resolve because it deals with no outside sources other than myself. | T | Timely | I will start working on this today. Every day will increase the progress. I have conversations daily with loved ones and friends. Every conversation I will be considerate of what they experience and respond accordingly. | My SMART Goal: I want to be more considerate of my family and friends. I

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