Rolling Stone Moss Executive Summary

953 Words4 Pages
Executive Summary Rolling Stone Moss (RMS) Company are expanding because of the successful performance in the marketplace, thus the new Customer Contact Center (CCC) office is required to build good relationship with customers. This report purpose is providing the concept of open-plan design office for RMS Company that can satisfy employees’ needs and wants. Furthermore, health, surface, ergonomic, safety and security environment will discuss further to enhance performance of employees. Beside that, several criteria to be used for selecting videoconference is describing in this report. Finally, conclusions as well as recommendation are provided in the last part of this report to accomplish company success to measure preeminent working environment for employees. The new building for this company is consisting of two levels. The first level will show the warehouse and despatch area. It is including street to allow large vehicles to drive through. Moreover, the second level will accommodate the office area that include reception room, call center office area, lunch room, rest room, meeting room, conference room, training room, store room, air-conditioning plant room and tele-communications and…show more content…
There is further information regarding the open plan design of the new CCC office area. Moreover, several aspects such as safety, security, healthy and ergonomic will be explained to create superiority performance of employees. There are primary and secondary resources in order to gather complete information regarding this report such as applied administration textbook, jurnals articles and websites. Those resources are useful to create and design open-plan office for Rolling Stone Company. Furthermore, conclusion will appear in the last part to summary the key finding in this report. Finally, recommendations are provided to create excellent working

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