Principles of Communication in Adult Social Care

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Assignment 201 Principles of communication in adult social care settings Assignments Task A – Short Answer Questions Ai Describe two methods of verbal communication other than one-to-one conversation. - Talking by phone is a verbal communication even if is not face to face - another method of verbal communication is in staff meeting when are participating more than two people A ii Describe two methods of non-verbal communication. - By touching we are communicating non-verbal our feelings - another method of non-verbal communication is by writing/ reading - care plans, letters , emails A iii Identify five different reasons why people communicate. - Set-up relations - Asking questions - To express emotions - Pass on important information - Making sure that their needs and wishes are known A iv Give two reasons why it is important to observe the reactions of an individual using the service when you are communicating with them. - Recognising the signals. Notice whether someone is looking at you, or at the floor, or at a point over your shoulder. Lack of eye contact should give a first indication that all may not be well. It may be that they are not feeling confident. They may be unhappy, or feel uneasy about talking to you. You will need to follow this up. - To make sure that you release what you had to say; A v Explain why it is important to find out about an individual’s: a) communication and language - to make sure what kind of communication will you use - verbal, writing, gesture - to make sure what language the person is using b) wishes and preferences - Knowing the wishes and preference is important to may feel comfortable in our presence A vi Explain how good communication can have a positive effect on the way a social care worker interacts with: a) colleagues - You can discover some information about communication
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