Our Identity Is Shaped by Our Experiences.

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Many individuals will encounter different experiences which can shape their identity. With many experiences in a life time can come with many identities. Our identity is made up of characteristics that make us who we are as a person. It is a sense of one’s self which is influenced by our physical environment, family, social groups and even our upbringing. These experiences can determine a person’s image of identity in society, of whether they’re seen as a good or bad person. A Countless number of people will encounter the majority of their experiences with family. School is also another place where we continue to build up on past understandings, as it will help us to prepare for the rest of our lives. In the film ‘Skin’, it shows the many experiences Sandra Laing encounters during her life which helped to shape her identity. Every individual will have a portion of their identity formed by the experiences that you encounter with their family. They are the first group to which we belong to; the family has more influence than any other group on forming our identity. Families provide love, protection and the opportunity for us to find out who we are through our relationship with them and others. As children, we all experience the way our families act and behave around society. We experience the culture and religion of our family and learn about it. Our family is a guide for each of us as a child as they teach us how to act around other people in society, how to behave, teach us the rules of life and the right things to do in society. The experiences we encounter with our family is the first act that shapes our identity. Unfortunately, Sandra Laing featured in Anthony Fabien’s biographical film ‘Skin’, was born with a ‘coloured’ appearance to white Afrikaans parents (Abraham and Sannie), during the Apartheid era of South Africa. Sandra’s identity as a child is that she
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