Personal Value and Ethical Standards

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Personal Value and Ethical Standards BSHS/322 Melissa Hallman October 1, 2012 Bruce Webb Personal Value and Ethical Standards Each person has his or her own beliefs of values and ethical standards. Values are a person’s philosophy, a mission, or a belief that he or she think is meaningful. Every person whether they know it or not has his or her own set of values. Ethical standards are how a person may react in a situation that he or she may find him or herself in. It is a person’s way of showing his or hers values whether that person is kind, fair, or trustworthy. Benefiel (2002), “It has been said that values, morals and ethics are inextricably tied together. Values are what we learn from childhood; the 'stuff' we absorb from our parents and immediate surroundings. Morals are the intrinsic beliefs developed from the value systems of how we 'should' behave in any given situation. Ethics, on the other hand, are how we actually do behave in the face of difficult situations that test our moral fiber” (para. 1). Specific personal values and ethical standards My values started in childhood as I learned from my parents, my older sister, and brother. As I got older I gained more values from going to school, church with neighbors, and friends. I grew up in a middle-class family where my father was factory worker and my mother worked for the school district as a custodial aide. I was brought up that money was not everything and I received the things that I needed. My parents were not extravagant and I did not have what all my friends had. It taught me that money was not the most important thing in life. I learned that church was important as we went to church every Sunday. To me church was an important part of life it taught me my belief in God was to make me a better person. By believing in Him all things are possible. Family was
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