Nvq Level 3

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Q1.1 Explain what is meant by * Diversity Diversity by definition is to introduce variety, to vary or to expand one’s range of services. In the context of caring is that the service user has different needs be it cultural needs and companionship. * Treating each person as an individual. * Respecting and promoting individual views, right to express his or her own identity and life style. * Responsibility of the carer not to discriminate against others on the basis that the individual’s identity lifestyle or culture is morally superior to that of others. * Respecting diversity and different cultures and values * Needs may shift per a service user such as taking 5 tablets to 30 tablets. There Could be various needs per a service user at one setting. Equality by definition is having the same rights or status. Promoting equal opportunities Including freedom from discrimination on the basis of race, sex, ability, sexuality or religion. In the care workers duty they must ensure that everything is available within reasons. Choices should be offered and by no means imposed. Inclusion is by including the service user in everything that includes them. Including the freedom to choose lifestyle, self-presentation, diet and routine. Including the right to be responded to in terms of the service users own interpretation of dignity and respect. Including rights as established in law and codes of practice. 1.2. The effects of discriminations are withdrawals, lack of confidence, self-worthlessness, putting down and belittling 1.3 Inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity by engaging the individual in decision making giving them control of the care they require and need. Enabling them to feel a sense of living again. The human rights act is all about respect for and the promotion and fostering of, the rights of individual people

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