Shc33 Essay

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SHC 33: Promote equality and inclusion in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings. 1.1 Diversity refers to the variety and differences between people and groups in our society. These differences need to be recognised and respected.Differences can be related to Gender Ethnicity Social background RaceCultural backgroundReligion and BeliefsFamily structure DisabilitiesSexualityAppearance AgeEconomic StatusEqualityRefers to treating everyone in society fairly and equally. This does NOT mean treating people as the same, but as individuals whose opportunities will be as good as those experienced by others. Sometimes in order to treat people equally you have to treat them differently. All people should be valued for their individuality and offered any support that they might need.Everyone should be treated with the care, consideration and respect that they have a right to and given the same opportunities to learn and achieve as others.InclusionInclusion is a process to include everyone and meet individual needs. It is a human right for every individual.It means that everyone counts and differences should be valued, respected and celebrated.Inclusion involves identifying barriers that prevent people from taking part, being involved and fitting in. Knowledge is needed to understand these barriers which can only then be broken down. It is everyone’s responsibility to remove these barriers. It involves making sure that all support systems are available in order for everyone to participate fully. 1.2 The potential effects of discrimination can be different for different people. The effects can be physical, emotional or a combination of both. For example children with disabilities may not be given a chance to join in with activities due to others thinking that their disability prevents them from being able to do so. This will make
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