Unit 7 - Adult Social Care Settings

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1. Understand person – centred approaches for care and support. 1.1 Define person centred values. This is to ensure that an individual are at the centre of planning and support, upholding and promoting individuality; choice; dignity; privacy; rights; respect; independence and partnership. 1.2 Explain why it is important to work in a way that embeds person – centred values. It is important we work in this way in order to promote individuality, this allow individuals to make informed decisions and choices, as well as understand the consequences as well as possible risks of such decisions and choice that may well relate to their own health and wellbeing. We must do this within the appreciation of rights within the care value base. We can uphold this by empowering individuals to maintain their own independence. Each individual should have the right to privacy which encourages that person to maintain dignity and self-respect. Whilst respecting the individuals diversity cultures and values. 2. Understand how to implement a person – centred approach in an adult social care setting. 2.1 Describe how to find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual We could find out such information relating to an individual by working in a way that puts the individual at the centre of any planning and support, we can do this be communicating with them to find out about their history, preferences and wishes. It is important that we appear and work in a non – judgemental way in order to eliminate any prejudices and / or personal feelings as to not discriminate in any way against the individual. By promoting independence and autonomy, we can also ensure equality and inclusive practice; we can do this by actively encouraging and thus empowering individuals to use their strengths and potentials. Effective communication is also vitally important as this ensures
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