Right And Responsibilities

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AO1: Promoting The Rights And Responsibilities Of Service Users In Care Settings Task 1: Explain 3 rights of service users in Queensland. Choose 3 from: • To make decisions that affect their lives/ to consult with people on decisions that will affect them • To express preferences • To make choices • To develop their full potential • To confidentiality Quality practice has benefits for all members of the practice team who participate in the process. As a result of going through the process as a team, staff often report: • Better team working • improved communication • reduced duplication of effort • Increased understanding of each other’s’ roles. Quality practice’ is quality of care in Homes that provided residents with a good quality of life or the quality of their lives in general rather than about care only. Often ‘good Practice’ is used to exercise power and induce conformity. It may be used to secure Compliance with a set of behaviours or practices deemed to be in the interests of a Particular group or body, to prescribe policies or the actions of others, or in pursuit of What is deemed to be the ‘public good’? Care settings try to ensure that the standard of work is upheld successfully to quality practice https://dspace.stir.ac.uk/bitstream/1893/70/1/All.pdf Care user’s right of quality of care workers are the following: • Data gathered must be protected and should not be lying around. Collect precise data. There should be a diverse range of information which should include fact and opinion. • Care workers must value and respect the choices, ideas, opinions, beliefs and identity • Care workers must show respect to service users and present this in their way of communication. This includes body language. • Help service users with their needs. Service users must not be judged because of this. • Care workers should try to
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